W106: Let’s Coordinate Pandemic Program Audits!

  • Room: Platinum 1-2
  • Session Number:W106
Wednesday, July 20, 2022: 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Bryon Gordon
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit
Department of Education
Lacey Doran CGFM
Kearney & Company
Laura Stetson
Director of Performance Management
NYS Division of the Budget
Stephanie Sowalsky
Program Integrity Branch Chief
Tina Kim
Deputy Comptroller for State Government Accountability
State Accountability Office of the New York State Comptroller


Federal, state and local government programs have long needed coordinated audits to avoid duplication of services and maximize efficiencies. With the surge in pandemic-related programs, accountability professionals will benefit from this forum on mechanisms and action plans to coordinate and collaborate on the needed audits.

Key Take-aways

• Overlapping audit responsibilities among different agencies and levels of government must be coordinated to reduce duplication of effort.
• Effective audit coordination is an attainable goal that can result in direct cost savings through participation in established coordination forums.

Learning Objectives

Discover the mechanisms already in place to identify common interests among government programs. Explore platforms available to increase communication among government auditors. Find out about cognizance — what it is and how to establish it.